Getting Started with Marketing 360 Payments
- Payments Overview - Getting Started
- Set Up Marketing 360® Payments
- Set Up Payments Using the Setup Wizard
- Set Up Marketing 360® Payments Using the Mobile App
- Sync Your Bank Account to Payments
- Making Sure E-Commerce Payments Are Secure
- One-Time Payments
- Create an Online Payment Portal for Your Customers
- Create a New Subscription for a Customer
- Create a New Invoice
- Change the Status of an Invoice
- View Unpaid Invoices for Customers
- Download a Customer's Receipt or Invoice
- Tracking E-Commerce Purchases in Payments
- Create a New Payment Plan in the Payments App
- Managing Your Payments Customers
- Payouts
- Connecting Marketing 360® Payments to QuickBooks Online
- Refunding Websites 360® Shop App Purchases
- Issue a Refund or Settle a Dispute
- Quickly Find Payment Details Using the Search Function
- Exporting Transactions from Payments
- Re-Send an Invoice
- Add, Edit, or Delete a Customer's Credit Card on File
- Adding the Marketing 360® Payments Gateway to Websites 360® Shop App
- What is an Inclusive vs. an Exclusive Tax Rate?
- Add or Manage Tax Rates
- Connect Your Terminal to Marketing 360® Payments
- Take a One-Time Payment Using the Marketing 360® Terminal
- Create an Instant Payout