Account Charge - If a client needs their ticket to be paid later, selecting the Account Charge payment type will put the balance as owed on the Client Card under the Accounts Tab.
Adjustment - When the price or on hand quantity has been changed.
Busy - Traditionally shown as a percentage where the amount of time you were scheduled off is divided by the amount of time you were available.
Cash Drawer - A virtual cash drawer representing the monies you started with any money paid in, paid out, etc.
Cash Drawer Shift - Allows a cash drawer to be identified by shift to start the day, end the day or an in between shift.
Change Back - A payment greater than the amount owed will result in change back which will be the difference.
Client Retention - Tracking if a new or recurring client returned to the business within a period of time.
Company Rebook - When the client has a future appointment with any worker within the company that was scheduled before midnight on the same day as a completed ticket.
Deducted from Worker (Related to refunds) - When processing a refund, if the Deducted from Worker checkbox is checked then it will deduct the commission within the Process Compensation Report.
Deposits - Paying a partial amount for a future service, the amount will be placed on the account to be applied later. The deposit will appear on the Client Card > Accounts tab.
Frequency of Visit - the percent of clients included in the Client Count who have 3 or more future appointments currently booked.
Gifts - Either a gift certificate or gift card sold within the software.
Gift Sales - When a worker sells a gift.
Gift Sales Online - When the client purchased the gift online.
Memberships - Automatic monthly, quarterly or yearly transactions that can also be associated with Service Packages.
Misc Sales - Located on the Checkout page, the Misc Sales can be used for a variety of items other than Services or Products such as Parking, Donations or anything that does not pay tax or commission.
New Client - When a client has their first visit.
Online Deposits - When booking an appointment online, the client paid the deposit noted in Setup > Setup Services > Setup Service.
Payment Type - to complete a ticket, a payment is required. Payment Types can be created in Setup > Setup Company > Payment Types.
Packages - Can be multiple services such a Spa Day or a repeat of the same services such as 10 Mens Haircuts but packages are traditionally sold at a lower price.
Prepayment - Paying up front for a future service, the amount will be placed on the account to be applied later. The prepayment will appear on the Client Card > Accounts tab.
Product Sales - Products sold on a ticket and their total amount before tax.
Productivity - Traditionally shown as a percentage where the amount of time you were scheduled off is divided by the amount of time you were available.
Promotions - Discounting a service or product by a flat amount or a percent.
Rebooking - When the client has a future appointment that was scheduled before midnight on the same day as a completed ticket.
Referrals - On a Client Card, you can note when a Client refers another Client on the Client Profile tab.
Refunds - When items on a completed ticket are reversed with options to deduct the commission from the worker or restock the product.
Rewards - Clients can automatically earn points based on their spending on Services and Products. A Client's Reward Points can be viewed during Checkout or in the Client Card > Accounts Tab.
Received On Account - When a client has a balance owed to the Company, enter the value they would like to pay towards the balance into the "Received On Account" field to apply a payment towards the balance.
Service Sales - Service sold on a ticket and their total amount before tax.
Sort Drop Down on Reports - A drop down traditionally in the upper right of a report that allows you to sort the data alphabetically, by date, by amount or other.
Sort on Setup - In multiple areas of setup, you can select a sort to control the order in which the items display within the software such as workers or payment types.
Tax - a percent multiplied on the ticket for either Service or Product. The tax percent can be set in Setup > Setup Ticket Preferences.
Taxable - If the Checkout screen should apply tax to a service or product, it is considered taxable.
Ticket - When you add up services, products, misc items, etc. to be paid for that is a ticket and once paid, it is considered a completed ticket.
Ticket Number - A unique ticket number is assigned to each transaction to be referenced on multiple reports and the client card.
Ticket Rating - Smiley faces available for selection on every ticket to gage the happiness of the client. The value can be edited on the completed ticket and referenced on the Ticket Ratings Report and TBP Report.
Tips - Funds flagged for a specific worker outside of their service or product sales.
Tips Left In Drawer - Tips that are placed in the cash drawer and are going to be considered when counting the cash drawer. Traditionally the tips left in drawer are eventually paid out at the end of the day or week.
Tips Paid Out - Tips that are handed out upon receipt and are tracked in the software but will not reflect when counting the cash drawer. Traditionally tips paid out are handed directly to the worker.
Unpaid Tickets - Tickets that have not been paid in full and the value & count of unpaid tickets will be noted in Cash Counting and on the Total Sheet. Tickets must be paid to be considered for payroll.
Voided Tickets - Tickets that were opened or completed and then deleted. Completed tickets that were voided will appear on the Voided Ticket Report.
Worker - Traditionally a person who works within your business that either provides a service, sells products, tracks hours or needs access to your software.
Worker Rebook - When the client has a future appointment with the same worker that was scheduled before midnight on the same day as a completed ticket.
Worker PIN - A four digit PIN code that is used to clock in and clock out in Time Clock.
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