Businesses will often go through the entire setup process for each setup page. If you have already completed the full setup, this is a guide to add a new worker to the calendar. For more detailed instructions, go to the full Setup Guide.
Worker Services
Go to Setup > Setup Services > Services
Create or verify all services performed by this worker are set up.
Worker Permissions Sets
Go to Setup > Setup Worker > Setup Permissions
Create or verify worker permission consistent for this worker is set up.
Worker Compensation Methods
Go to Setup > Setup Worker > Setup Compensation Methods
Create or verify the payroll method needed for this worker is set up.
Add Worker
Go to Setup > Setup Workers > Worker Detail, Click Add New Worker
- Worker Profile
- Check Active Login if worker can login
- Complete Worker Profile Setup.
- Worker Hours
- Enter Available Hours
- Enter Online Available Hours
- Services
- Book Appointments Every # minutes controls how often appointments are booked for this worker.
- Select Services
- Select Level to choose which service level applies
- Click the arrows to expand the Service Group view
- Click top checkbox to select all, or check individual services for Perform column, if worker provides this service.
- Click online top checkbox, or check individual services for Online column, if worker offers this service online.
- Customize Service Price, Duration or Service Fee by clicking on the pencil icon adjacent to the service name
- Repeat steps for each Service Group that applies to this worker.
- Other
- Check Uses Time Clock if worker uses time clock.
- Check Allow Retail Sales if worker sells products.
- Select Security Permission set.
- Enter Hourly Wage (if applicable).
- Enter Salary (if applicable).
- Select Compensation Method
- Click Save
Worker Preferences Extra
Businesses may benefit from adding the following features or permission options which go beyond the traditional worker setup.
Worker Profile Tab
Check Send Notification for Booked Appointment and the system will send an email to the worker when an appointment is booked for them.
Check Send Notification for Canceled Appointment and the system will send an email to the worker when an appointment is canceled on their calendar.
Worker "Other" Tab
Check Allow Retail Sales if the worker would need to be selected to receive credit for selling products.
Security Permissions drop down will display Permissions created in Setup > Setup Worker > Setup Permissions.
Hourly Wage is the amount to pay the worker hourly.
Salary is the amount to pay the worker per year.
Compensation Method drop down will display the Compensation Methods created in Setup > Setup Worker > Setup Compensation Methods. This is the method that will be used on the Process Compensation Report.
Check View Only My Appointments if worker cannot view other worker appointment books.
Check View Only My Billboard Goals if the worker should not be able to see other worker's billboard goals.
Check Hide Client Contact Info to remove contact information from worker view.
Check Can View Appt Values/ Check Out Totals to allow worker to view pricing information.
Worker FAQ
Q: What if the worker only sells retail and does not require a login or a column on the appointment book?
A: Active Login is unchecked, the Allow Retail Sales is checked on the Worker Other Tab and a payroll method of Retail Only is selected. This allows the business to credit a retail sale to a worker and report on their commission in payroll, however that person does not have a login or a column on the appointment book.
Q: What if the worker only tracks hours but does not need a login. Example: An assistant, or cleaning crew?
A: Active Login is unchecked, the Uses Time Clock is checked, an Hourly Wage is entered, and a payroll method is assigned. With another worker logged in, this type of worker can clock in and clock out, but will not have an active login to the software, or a column on the appointment book. The business can report on this worker’s hours and compensation.
Q: What if a worker is terminated?
A: Uncheck Active Login. This will remove the users ability to login to the software. Change Online Hours on Worker Services tab to –none--. Next, move or cancel all future appointments. Once the appointments are moved, change Schedule on Worker Services tab to –none--, and on the Other Tab, uncheck Allow Retail Sales & Uses Time Clock. Finally, change the Compensation Method to –None--.
Q: What if a worker starts in the future?
A: Worker Detail Start Date should be today’s date. In Company Hours, create items in the custom hours list for today, up until worker’s official booking date, with All Day Off. This allows workers to start booking future appointments immediately, but block off the available search calendar until the date the worker will actually be performing their first appointments.
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