Setup Permissions
- Select the Page Category and use the Select All or Unselect All options to check the boxes in each category.
- Boxes can be unchecked or checked as needed individually.
Setup Compensation Scales
Create and edit compensation scales to be included as part of compensation methods. Compensation scales are used to pay workers based on goals or levels they achieve, increasing the commission percentage at each predetermined level.

- Zero-based pays the worker the full commission on the total amount they achieved at the end of the period.
- Step-based pays the worker incrementally the percent assigned to each level up to the total amount attained for that period.
Setup Compensation Methods
Value: Identify what should be equated into the payroll method. Individual Hourly Wage and Salary amounts are entered during worker detail setup.
Number: Enter a percent or number here.
Update Sample Calculation: System will provide an example of the calculations to verify accuracy.
Setup Goals
Value: Identify what should be equated into the goal method.
Number: Enter a percent or number here.
Update Sample Calculation: System will provide an example of the calculations to verify accuracy.
Worker Details
Worker Profile
Create and edit worker profiles with contact information, login credentials and more.
Active Login: If active login is checked, the worker will have a unique login to the software. If active login is not checked, the worker can receive retail commissions or track hours only.
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name: Worker First and Last initials will show on the appointment book.
Start Date: Determines the first day when appointment results can show worker as available.
Worker PIN: Unique 4 digit PIN to clock-in or clock out. PINs must be unique.
Username: Unique username to login to the software from the website.
Display Order: Determines the order the workers appear on the appointment calendar and elsewhere in the system.
Legal First Name, Middle Name, Last Name: If worker goes by a name different than their legal given name, use these fields for reference.
Mobile Phone & Mobile Carrier: Worker may receive SMS text messages regarding the status of their appointments.
Send Notification for Booked Appointment: Worker will receive an email for appointments booked by a worker or a client online.
Send Notification for Canceled Appointment: Worker will receive an email for appointments canceled by a worker or a client online.
Worker Scheduled Hours: enter the availability of the worker from Open to Close. To copy hours from another worker profile, simply select the worker from the drop down list.
Online Availability Hours: enter the available of the worker from Open to Close, these hours will be displayed as available during Online Booking. To note the ‘Same’ hours, click the checkbox marked ‘Same’.
Add Custom Hours will display a pop up to schedule a worker entirely off or adjust their availability by alternating days, weeks, months.
Company Days Off, Worker Days Off and Worker Custom Hours will be displayed in list form below. Users can edit or delete the line items, as well as display expired entries.
Book Services Every: The duration selected will find appointments or suggest online availability based on the last appointments start time. For example, if a worker wanted to book appointments at the top of the hour, select 60 minutes.
Select Level: Relates to Setup Services level number to assign a different duration and price per worker.
Service Group Checkboxes and Arrow: Click the arrow to display all services within the service group in the list. The checkbox next to the service group will auto-check or uncheck all the Performs checkboxes. Users can uncheck or check boxes individually. If a worker provides this service, the box is checked.
Select All Online/Unselect All Online: Click the arrow to display all services within the service group in the list. The checkbox next to the service group will auto-check or uncheck all the Online checkboxes. Users can uncheck or check boxes individually. If a worker provides this service online, the box is checked.
Edit Worker Service Details: Click the pencil icon adjacent to the service name from the list to edit/customize the price, durations and service fees related only to this worker.
Details pertaining to the workers pay structure, permissions and securities in the software.
Allow Retail Sales: Check this box if the worker receives credit for retail sales.
Security Permission: Assign a permission set to the worker to specify their access to pages and fields within the software.
Hourly Wage: Hourly wage entered will sync with the compensation methods, if applicable.
Salary: Salary entered will sync with the compensation methods, if applicable.
View Only My Appointments: Enabling this setting limits the worker to only view their appointment book.
View Only My Billboard Goals: Enabling this setting will limit the Billboard Goals view to only be for this worker.
Can View Appt Values/Check Out Totals: Enabling this setting to allow workers to view appointment values and check out totals.
Assign specific and individual targets with timelines for the worker to be utilized by the Worker Goals report.
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