One of the benefits of Point of Sale is that it is available from anywhere, on any device with internet. If you would like to limit the location in which your workers can login to, here’s how you can do that:
- First, disable the "Time Clock" permission from the Worker's Permission Set (Setup > Setup Workers > Setup Permissions)
- Next, create a permission set where "Time Clock" is enabled as well as any other permissions enabled for all workers at the business i.e. able to see all workers appointments and search for clients.
- Create a New Worker for general business and assign the newly created permission set that allows "Time Clock".
- Provide the login credentials only to trusted owners and managers who will be present daily.
How to use it:
- Only the trusted owners and managers will know the credentials to the General Business login.
- Do not save the password on any computer, because there is a view password option for saved passwords.
- Owners and Managers login to the spare computers or tablets to start the shifts and re-login as necessary.
- Workers can login, look at the appointment book, clients, etc. as long as it is on a computer located at the business with a Manager or Owner on shift.
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