To set up Services in the Point of Sale App, please follow the steps below.
- Click the Menu Icon (≡) then Click Setup > Setup Service > Setup Services
- Click +New to add a new service item
- Fill out service details
- Use Multiple Price Levels: If workers have different pricing and/or durations, click this check box to allow several price and duration levels to be created. A maximum of 10 levels are allowed.
- Helpful Tip: When creating multiple levels, note separately the levels of each worker for reference when creating more services or when creating Workers.
- Helpful Tip: When creating multiple levels, note separately the levels of each worker for reference when creating more services or when creating Workers.
- Price: Amount the client pays for the service.
- Durations & Available Checkboxes: Duration is the number of minutes to perform the service. If the available box is checked to the right of the duration field, staff and clients booking online will be allowed to book another appointment at the same time. Businesses typically use the available checkbox to offer double-booking with color services.
- Buffer After: Number of minutes after a service the worker is occupied. However, the client can continue on to other services. Traditionally used for clean up or preparation for the next service. A common example of the buffer time would be if a client came in for a Massage at 2:00 PM for 60 minutes with 15 minute Buffer After, a Manicure following the Massage could start at 3:00 PM, and the Massage Therapist would be booked out until 3:15 PM.
- Service Charge: Percent or Amount related to the level that can be deducted in Worker Compensation Methods. Traditionally used to deduct color costs or product costs from service.
- Guest Charge Amount: An amount of money automatically deducted from the service amount. Typically used for cost of operations or materials to provide the service.
- Online Name: If the Online Name should be displayed differently from the in-house name, enter the preferred name here.
- Description: An (i) icon is shown when a client selects a service. When the icon is hovered over, a pop-up will show the description entered here.
- Deposit Required: If an online deposit is required, check the box and note the percent or amount below. Online deposits are taken at the time of booking and can be applied during the service check out. An integrated online merchant account is required.
- Resources Used: Select if any or all resources are required to find this appointment as a user or during online booking as a client. The “Any” option indicates only one resource is required from a list of many. “All” indicates that all of the listed resources would be required.
- Use Multiple Price Levels: If workers have different pricing and/or durations, click this check box to allow several price and duration levels to be created. A maximum of 10 levels are allowed.
4. Click Save
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