Booking Interval: Identify amounts of time segments in minutes, displayed on the appointment book.
Booking Status Colors: The colors shown here will appear on the left side bar of the appointment to indicate the current status of an appointment. For example: Booked, Confirmed, Completed, etc.
Max # of Availabilities: The total number of appointment availabilities listed when using the Find Appointment feature on the Appointment Book.
Display Availabilities: When using the Find Appointment feature on the Appointment Book, the available times will either be listed Chronologically (ex: 9:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 9:30 AM) or by Ranking Order listing the best availabilities first.
Express Booking does not require a Client Name: When the box is checked, an appointment can be booked in-house without capturing a client name or any contact info.

Enable to automatically send a Text and/or Email to the client when the appointment is booked.
From Text Tag: The entry in this field will show as the Sender name in SMS text messages.
Text Message: A text message will automatically be sent the client upon booking an appointment. Include information such as the client name, appointment time and services by selecting a “Merge Field” from the dropdown list. Copy/paste the merge text stamp into the desired place in the Text Message.
From Email Address: Input business email address, preferably an email address the business owns the domain name for. Example:
From Email Name: Business name as desired to show in the recipient’s inbox instead of the email address.
Subject & Email Template: Create or edit a custom email to be sent to clients. Include items such as the client name, appointment time and services by selecting “Merge Field” above, and copy/paste the text into the Email Template field.
Enable to automatically send a Text and/or Email to the client for an upcoming appointment, by a specific number of hours or days.
Daily Reminders are sent at: Selecting a specific time will send all daily reminders at that time. This setting does not pertain to reminders scheduled to go out hours prior to the appointment. By not setting a preference, the system will send daily reminders as queued.
Reminder Options: Create, Edit or Remove reminders to be sent to clients for upcoming appointments. Select the number of hours or days before the appointment to send. Click Add to create additional reminders.
From Text Tag: Sender noted in the SMS text message.
Text Message: Enter the text message to automatically send to clients. Include items like client name, appointment time and services, by selecting “Merge Field” below, and copy/paste the text into the Text Message field. Tip: Keep messages shorter than 160 characters, as carriers will break apart text exceeding 160 characters into multiple messages.
From Email Address: Input business email address, preferably an email address that the business owns the domain name for. Example:
From Email Name: Business name that should appear in the recipient’s inbox instead of the email.
Subject & Email Template: Create or edit a custom email to be sent to clients. Include items such as client name, appointment time and services, by selecting “Merge Field” above and copy/paste the text into the Email Template field.
Online Booking
When Online Booking is enabled, a unique URL will be provided for the business to offer 24/7 Online Booking for clients. Settings are available within the software to customize which clients, services, workers and hours are available for online booking.
Online Booking Enabled will allow clients to access your online booking.
Online Gifts Enabled when checked will allow clients to purchase a gift online.
Auto Send PIN Login to New Clients will auto e-mail clients a PIN and link to your online booking when created.
Allow New Clients to book online checkbox when enabled will allow new clients to create an online booking profile.
URL: A unique URL link for the business’ online booking page will appear here.
Select Online Booking Background allows you to select any color (the darker, the better) or upload any photo as your selected background photo on the online booking page.
Booking Options
Booking window starts field reflects how soon a client should be able to book an online appointment. Booking window ends field sets how far out a client can book an appointment online.
Allow Appt Cancellations when enabled will allow the clients to cancel appointments online. The Required Notice field is the amount of hours or days
leading up to an appointment that they are able to cancel.
Allow Appt Changes when enabled will allow the clients to change appointments online. The Required Notice field is the amount of hours or days leading up to an appointment that they are able to change.
Send notifications for all Online Booked appointments, when enabled will email a notification that an online appointment has been booked to the emails listed in the field to the right. To send a notification to multiple emails, simply separate the emails by a comma. Example:,
Send notifications for clients booked online with booking alerts, if enabled an email notification will be sent when a client with a Booking Alert - Alert Only set in the Client Card was booked online. To send a notification to multiple emails, simply separate the emails by a comma. Example:,
Display Options
Select options to show the price and/or duration of the service(s) when a client books online.
Show Reward Points when enabled will show the name of the reward program and the client’s current point value to the client when logged into Online Booking.
Require Card on File to Book when enabled will require a card on file to book an appointment online. This feature requires a Marketing 360 Payments account to be setup in Setup> Setup Ticket Preferences.
Maximum # of Availabilities sets the maximum number of appointments that could display to a client during the online booking process.
Online Booking Login Message: Text entered into this field will appear on the online booking login page.
Booking Restrictions: Do Not Book
Text entered into this field will appear if a client has “Do Not Book” restrictions enabled on their client card.
Pending Deposit Handling
Automatically delete failed online deposits and purchases: Enabling will delete an initialized sale or deposit online within 5 minutes. Disabling will book the appointment with a 'Pending Deposit' status and show a balance due on the client's accounts tab.
Send a notification of failed online deposits/ purchase to a specific worker by selecting one from the drop down list (workers must be created prior to selection).
Gifts Online
Selling gift certificates online will prompt the customer to enter the details of the gift certificate to be sent via email.
Email Template: Create and edit a custom email to be sent when a gift card is purchased online. Include items from the “Merge Field” drop down and copy/paste the text coding into the Email Template field.
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