The Settings dashboard on the Social app lets you add or update your connected social accounts and add or manage the users who can approve pending social posts.
Social Accounts
You can connect your social media profiles to your Marketing 360 account so that you can more effectively manage your business' messaging across Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, and LinkedIn all in one place. Once you connect your social media accounts, then you can easily create and schedule social media posts right from your Marketing 360® dashboard.
Add or Update Accounts
You will then see a list of your existing connected social media accounts. To connect new profiles or refresh all existing profile connections, click Add/Update Account. When you select one of the social media network buttons, you will be prompted to sign in to your account on the respective network. If you have multiple accounts within each social network, make sure that you use the correct user logins for the profiles you want to connect or refresh.
Click here to learn more about how to add or update Social Accounts.
Connection Errors
If there is a connection error on one of your connected social accounts, then an error message will appear at the top of the page. The account connection in question will be highlighted in a red outline. These errors are usually due to a password change on the connected account, or an issue with the social account provider.
Click Re-connect Account to re-establish the connection.
Post Approval
When you schedule social posts, you may wish to have one of your team members review your social media posts before they go live. You can assign your existing account users as designated Social Approvers, or you can add a new user to your account to act in this role.
To add Social Approvers, make sure the setting selection labeled Allow social posts to be scheduled without being approved first is turned "off". Select Add Post Approver to designate an existing user as a Social Approver.
Click here to lean more about how to add or manage Social Approvers.
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