What happens when you need to clean out a lot of old contacts in your CRM? Perhaps they are past customers, or were leads that never turned to contacts. Regardless of the reason, you may need to remove a large volume of contacts from time to time.
Read on to learn how deleting unneeded contacts is easier than ever in the Marketing 360® CRM.
Option 1: Select and Delete
If you need to select all contacts on a page and delete them, first select the checkbox at the top-left of the CRM Contacts page to select everyone on that page.
Then click the Actions button, and click Delete.
This basic option allows you to delete up to 50 contacts at once. To delete 50 at once, make sure that 50 Per Page is selected on the bottom of the page.
Option 2: Filter and Delete
There are other times when only a specific group of contacts should be deleted. This could be contacts assigned to a specific user, contacts of a specific source, status, type, or even based on custom filters.
- Use the Filter button to select the contacts you’d like to delete. You can select assignment, source, status, type, or filter by a custom field. You can also use multiple selections when needed to really get specific. Below is a basic example of selecting all contacts with the “Lead” contact type.
- Once you've filtered your contacts appropriately, click the Actions button, click Manage By Filters, then select Delete Filtered. This will delete all the contacts that match the filter(s) you’ve selected.
- Since this action can't be undone, you'll be asked to confirm the total number of contacts you're about to delete.
Deleting contacts can also delete resources like files, tasks, history items, projects, and deals associated with the contacts. You'll be asked what to do with any of those resources for the contacts you're about to delete.
For example, selecting History Items on this list will completely remove the items associated with the contact from the History page. Leaving History Items unselected will keep the items associated with the contact on your History page, but they will no longer be associated with any contact.
Check the box to confirm what resources you’d like to delete. - Once you've made all the necessary selections, click Delete.
Whether you're importing contacts from a different CRM and you run into issues or if you just need to do some CRM housekeeping, don't hesitate to reach out to your marketing team or submit a ticket here with questions about how to use the bulk delete feature. We're here to help!
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