Now that you've installed the plugin, it's time to connect your Gravity Forms to your Marketing 360 account. You'll only need to do this step once. When you're done, you can connect any Gravity Form on your site to Marketing 360 Payments to process payments.
On the left-hand navigation menu, hover over Forms and click on Settings.
In the settings menu, select the Marketing 360® Payments tab.
Click the Connect to your Marketing 360 account button.
In the pop-up window that displays, login to Marketing 360 with your account username and password.
Click your account name in the pop-up to verify which Marketing 360 account you’d like to connect.
When the connection is authorized, the settings tab will read 'Currently connected to Marketing 360® account: [your account name & number here]'.
Click Update Settings to finalize the connection.
You’ve now successfully connected your website to your Marketing 360 Payments account.
Next up: Building a payment form.
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