Adding a form to a page on our website
Select Pages in the left-hand navigation on your dashboard, then click the name of the page where you’d like to add the form.
Click Add Form above the content editor.
Select the form to embed on the page, adding options for the title, description and ajax, if needed.
Click Insert Form.
Confirm that the form has been added to the correct spot in the page by viewing the shortcode in your page content.
Publish your page changes by clicking Update in the right column.
Your form has now been added to your website. Give yourself a pat on the back.
Next up: Testing your new payment form.
Testing your new payment form
Navigate to the page where the form is published on your site by clicking the page URL above the content editor.
Purchase your product by submitting the form from your website.
Login to your Marketing 360 account and select Payments from the dashboard or Global App Menu.
Select One-time Payments from the page navigation.- Confirm that you see your payment (you can also refund it here). If the transaction is not displayed here, call our support team at: 855-462-3343.
Way to go! You're all set up to take payments from this form on your website. If you need to set up other forms to take payments, just repeat the process. If you ever run into issues or you have questions, submit a ticket to our support team here.
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