Marketing 360 gives you the opportunity to add multiple business locations to your account. These are listed in Settings > Locations.
Here's a rundown of all the details you can add for a business location.
Basic Info
Field Name | Field Description |
Business Location Name | Enter the name of your business. |
Business Phone | Enter the primary phone number for your business. |
Search for your Category/Industry | Select a category for your business location. You can select as many as needed. |
Address | Enter the primary address for your business location. If you do not wish to display an address, select Address should not be publicly visible. |
Additional Info
Field Name | Field Description |
Public Email | Enter the primary email for your business location. This will be used as the primary email address on listings sites. |
Website | Enter the link you'd like customers to see when they click your website link on a listings site. You can update this with special landing pages when you want to send customers to a specific promotion or sale. |
Logo | Upload your logo in JPG / JPEG format |
Business Description | Enter up to 1,000 characters to describe your business. This will generally be displayed in a section like 'about us' on the listings sites. |
Business Hours | Add your business hours to make sure your customers know when you're open. You can use the + icon to add multiple windows of availability during any given day. |
Location Closed | Select this option is the business location is permanently closed. If you're able to re-open the location, simply un-check this option. None of your information will be lost or need re-entered. |
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