If you run a Call Tracking campaign, then you can set up a link between your CRM and Intelligence dashboard so that the records of phone calls will automatically populate in a CRM Contact's profile.
In order for a Contact profile to be synced with call and text message records, they must:
- Be an existing Contact within your CRM
- Have a matching phone number that contains only numbers, with no hyphens, parentheses or other special characters (see example below).
In this guide:
- Step 1: Set up a new Contact Source
- Step 2: Set up the Notifications
- Step 3: Map the Contact Source to the CRM
- (Optional) Test your new connection
Step 1: Set up a new Contact Source
In order for Call Tracking phone calls to populate in a CRM Contact, you will need to set up a new Manual Source. Follow steps 1 through 6 in this article: Connect a Third-Party Platform to Your CRM.
Once you have your BCC email address copied, proceed to Step 2 in this guide.
Step 2: Set up the Notifications
Link Call Tracking Calls with a CRM Contact
To link Call Tracking phone calls with your CRM Contact, you will need to add the new Contact Source to the Call Tracking settings. To get started:
- Select the App Bar dropdown in the top-left corner of the page to navigate to the Intelligence dashboard.
- At the top of the Intelligence dashboard, select Settings.
- Select Call Tracking on the left-hand sidebar, then under Email Notifications, click on Add Person to Notify.
- In the Email Address field, PASTE the BCC form notification that you copied in the steps above.
- To populate the Email Notification in Field Mapping for your source, call one of the tracking numbers on your website and leave your business a message.
Step 3: Map the Contact Source to the CRM
Finally, select CRM from the App Bar dropdown in the top-left corner of your dashboard.
- Select Settings at the top of the CRM dashboard, then select Contact Sources on the left-hand sidebar.
- Edit the Contact Source that you created from the list in Step 1.
- At the top of the page, select the Field Mapping tab. On the left-hand side of the page, you should see a copy of the email notification from the "test" call you made at the end of Step 2.
- On the top-right corner of the page, click +New Mapping.
- Select the field you use for storing phone numbers in the CRM (typically "Phone").
- Check the box labeled Do not create new contact if the value of this field matches an existing contact. This will ensure that an existing Contact is updated if they call.
- Next, you will want to make sure that the Phone Number is the "value" that creates or updates a contact. To do this, you will need to set the beginning and end points where the content is "scraped".
- Under Scrape content between Beginning, enter the text just before the phone number.
- Under and End, enter the text that follows immediately after the phone number.
This will ensure that any content between the beginning and ending words in the notification is "scraped"; in this case, the phone number.
- For any additional fields you'd like to save to the CRM, click on the + New Mapping again. This time, you can select a general notes field or a custom field like "Most Recent Call". If you did not already create custom fields, then you will need to add it in your CRM Settings under Fields. How to create new Contact Fields.
- Once you've mapped all your fields, click Submit.
- In the Contact Preview section on the right-hand side of the page, click on Test Email Processing to ensure that the phone number and any additional information populates successfully.
Notes on field mapping for your calls
Phone Numbers with Country Codes:
Depending on your email notification, you may need to exclude the area code from the phone number. An example of field mapping that excludes the U.S. country code looks like this:
- Start "- +1"
- End "- Call Received"
Most Recent Call:
If you're mapping the message from your calls to the CRM, your mapping could look like this:
- Start "Fuel Your Brand®️]"
- End "Show Call Conversion"
(Optional) Test your new connection
Once you have mapped the notifications, then your connection is made! You can call one of the tracking numbers again to test it. You will want to first add yourself as a "Test" Contact, complete with your Phone Number if you aren't already in your CRM. Remember, no characters in the phone number, just numbers.
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