Marketing 360® provides useful reporting data in the Content app to help you measure how your website's content is performing on search engines. In order for this data to populate in your Keywords and Page Reports dashboard, you will need to link Google Search Console to your Marketing 360® account.
Don't have a Google Search Console profile yet? You can follow these steps to create a Google Search Console profile and submit your website's sitemap.
Connect Google Search Console with Marketing 360®
- Navigate to your Content app by clicking on the App Bar on the top-left corner of the page and selecting Content from the dropdown menu.
- Select the Settings tab at the top of the Content app. You will see a message prompting you to connect your accounts. Select Add Account.
- After selecting Add Account, select Google Search Console.
- You will be prompted to log in to your Google account. Select the Google account that you use to manage your Google Search Console profile.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to verify your account ownership and complete the integration.
Once your profiles are connected, you will see them on the Settings page.
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