You can connect your Shop to Facebook in a few clicks and start selling directly on Facebook. The Shop app automatically syncs all your products with your Facebook Shop without any additional effort. Customers can browse your catalog directly through the Shop section of your Facebook page from their PC, tablets, or Facebook's mobile app.
Once you connect your Facebook page, you can also tag products on Instagram, create marketing campaigns and measure the results of your ads with Facebook pixel.
Facebook Shop Requirements
To start selling on Facebook, you must meet the following requirements:
- Your business has a published Facebook Shop, and your Facebook account carries an admin role on it.
- Your products comply with Facebook Commerce policies and Guidelines for listing products.
- Products require shipping (so it can't be digital products or services) and can't be free.
- Your store’s currency is supported by Facebook. You can always change your store’s currency.
- Your domain should be verified so that Facebook knows that you are the owner.
Connect Your Shop to Facebook
Following the setup wizard, you can connect your Facebook Page, catalog, Facebook Pixel, and your Instagram account to your store at once.
Please note:
- You can only connect your store to one Facebook Business Page. Multiple accounts require independent Facebook pages and vice versa — you need a separate Shop account for each Facebook page.
- If you already have an active Shop section on your Facebook page, it will override the existing products when you connect your store to your Facebook shop.
How to Connect
You can connect your store to Facebook on either the desktop version of your Marketing 360® Shop page, or on the Marketing 360® Mobile Shop App.
On Desktop:
- Select Facebook from the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard, then click Connect Facebook at the top of the page.
- A popup will appear. Log into your account or continue with your account if you are already logged in.
- Make sure you tick all three checkboxes:
- Select the Facebook Ads to run ads on Facebook and Instagram;
- Select the Facebook Shop so your products are shown on your Facebook Shop page;
- Select the Instagram Shopping to be able to tag your products on Instagram.
- Click Get Started.
- Select your Business Manager account and click Continue. If you don’t have one, click Create new and follow the wizard.
- Choose the Facebook page to connect, then click Continue. Or click Create new and follow the wizard to create a new Facebook page.
- Select your Instagram Business profile and click Continue. If you don’t have one, click Add profile and follow the wizard.
- Choose the catalog you want to show on your Facebook Shop page and click Continue. If you don’t have one, click Create new and follow the wizard.
- Select your Ad account and click Continue, or create a new one by clicking Create new.
- Select the Facebook pixel, then click Continue, or create a new one by clicking Create new.
- Enter a name for your Commerce Account.
- Click Continue.
- Once the Commerce Account is created and confirmed, click Continue to check the details, then confirm by clicking Continue.
- Manage what Marketing 360® is allowed to do. We recommend using the default settings for the proper work of your store. Click Next.
- Once your store is linked to Facebook, click Done.
On the Mobile App:
Open up your Shop Mobile App:
- Click Store at the bottom of the screen, then select Facebook Shop in the Sales Channels section.
- Tap + Connect Facebook page.
- In the popup, log into your account or continue with your account if you are already logged in.
- Make sure you tick all three checkboxes: tick the Facebook Ads to run ads on Facebook and Instagram; tick the Facebook Shop so your products are shown on your Facebook Shop page; tick the Instagram Shopping to be able to tag your products on Instagram. Click Get Started.
- Select your Business Manager account and tap Continue. If you don’t have one, tap Create new and follow the wizard.
- Choose the Facebook page to connect, then tap Continue. Or tap Create new and follow the wizard to create a new Facebook page.
- Select your Instagram Business profile and click Continue. If you don’t have one, tap Add profile and follow the wizard.
- Choose the catalog you want to show on your Facebook Shop page and tap Continue. If you don’t have one, tap Create new and follow the wizard.
- Select your Ad account and tap Continue, or create a new one by tapping Create new.
- Select the Facebook pixel, then tap Continue, or create a new one by tapping Create new.
- Enter a name for your Commerce Account. Select the way to sell your products — customers can go to checkout right from your Facebook or Instagram page, or proceed to your website. Tap Continue.
- Once the Commerce Account is created and confirmed, tap Continue to check the details, then confirm by tapping Continue.
- Manage what Marketing 360® is allowed to do. We recommend using the default settings for the proper work of your store. Tap Next.
- Once your store is linked to Facebook, tap Done.
Finish the Setup Process
After completing the steps above, Facebook will have to approve your store. Approval can take up to 48 hours. Once your store is approved by Facebook, your products will appear on the Facebook Shop section and customers will see them.
If your store is rejected:
You can also assign the marketplace category to your store if you haven’t done that before. This will make your products more discoverable for customers.
To set up marketplace category:
- Select Facebook on the left-hand sidebar of the Shop dashboard, scroll down to Marketplace Category and click Change Category.
- From the Marketplace Category dropdown, choose your category.
- From the Product condition dropdown, choose what products do you sell — new, refurbished, or used.
- Click Save.
Verifying Your Domain
To ensure that only verified owners can edit how content appears on Facebook, Facebook may require to verify the domain in which you intend to sell from.
You can verify your website domain either by adding a record to your domain settings, or by adding a tag code to your website's Footer.
- In Facebook Business Manager, go to Business Settings → Brand safety → Domain.
- Click on the Add button and enter your domain in the Add a Domain pop-up.
- Select one of the verification options:
- DNS Verification (recommended) — this requires adding a DNS record within your domain registrar (where your website's domain name is registered).
- Meta Tags — this requires pasting a verification code on your website. For Websites 360® sites, you can place this in an HTML Block in your website's Footer. If you use a platform other than Website 360®, please submit a Support ticket for instructions.
It may take up to 72 hours for Facebook to find the meta-tag code. If the domain status is still Not Verified, you'll need to click Verify again or confirm the meta-tag is listed in the scrape results in the Sharing Debugging Tool.
Create Specific Product Names and Descriptions on Facebook
You can create a unique name and description for each product that will be displayed on Facebook only. You can do it with special product attributes. That way, the name and/or description of the product on Facebook will be different from the name and/or description of the same product in your online store. For example, you have an item in your store that is called "Backcountry". You can change its name for your Facebook shop to "Backcountry - Classic Series - 8-Cup" so it helps customers discover your items and make well-informed purchase decisions.
To create a different name and description for a product on Facebook:
- On the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard, select Catalog > Products.
- Select the product you want to change and click Edit Product.
- Click the Attributes tab, then click Manage attributes:
- Click +Add New to create a new empty field for the attribute. In the empty attribute field, enter FB Shop Product Name to create a specific name. Create a new empty field and enter FB Shop Description to create a unique description.
- Click Save.
- Go back to Catalog > Products and select the product you created new attributes for.
- Click the Attributes tab.
- Fill in the Value field with the name and description you want to appear on Facebook for this product:
- Click Save.
Now, the product will have the name and description you specified in the attributes. The changes may not appear immediately on your Facebook page. In that case, select Facebook on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard, and click Force catalog sync at the bottom of the page. The product parameters will be updated.
Appealing Rejected Products
Once your catalog is uploaded to your Facebook Shop, your catalog will automatically be synced to ensure that your pricing and inventory are always up-to-date. If you make any changes to product details in your Shop dashboard (e.g., edit product’s image, title, or price), these products are immediately updated on your Facebook page.
Sometimes, Facebook will reject your product if it doesn’t comply with Facebook Advertising Policies or Commerce Policies. You can request a second review if you believe an item was incorrectly rejected.
To appeal for rejected products:
- Select Facebook on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- Click Manage Facebook Products.
Click Get an appeal for rejected products:
- You will be redirected to the Facebook page. Enter feedback if you want to and select Submit.
You can also go directly on Facebook and appeal the decision.
Your item now displays as in review. Reviews typically take up to a few days, but sometimes they take longer. You can check back in the product details page on Facebook Commerce Manager or from the Facebook section of your Shop dashboard. You will see the status of your products:
Listing Products and Collections on Facebook
Product listings on Facebook have certain limitations. Here is how they will appear on your Shop:
- Products marked as "Enabled" in your Shop dashboard will automatically show up in your Facebook Shop page.
- Products marked as "Enabled" that are assigned to a disabled category will not be sent to your Facebook Shop.
- Products marked as "Disabled" will not be sent to Facebook.
- Products marked as "Enabled" that are featured on the Store Front page will be uploaded to the Featured Products section on Facebook.
- Out of stock products that you set to be hidden from storefront will not be sent to Facebook.
- Products on Facebook Shop are organized into collections, which are similar to your store's categories. Collections are top-level only. Products from your subcategories will be grouped under the top-level collection in your Facebook Shop.
- A collection is automatically created for each of your top-level categories in your Shop when you connect your store.
- New custom collections cannot be created, and existing collections cannot be edited on Facebook.
- To hide/show a collection or sort the products within it, enable/disable the store category or sort the products within the category.
Hide Products from Facebook
If you do not want to sell some products from your online store on Facebook, you can manually hide them in Facebook catalog settings.
To deactivate a product in a Facebook catalog:
- Go to your Facebook Business Suite.
- In the left menu, click Commerce.
- Select Catalog → Items.
- Tick products you want to hide from your catalog on Facebook and click Edit item in the right hand side of the screen, then Archive:
Products that you archived will be hidden from your Facebook catalog. They will still remain available in your online store.
The Facebook Shop Checkout Process
When a customer wants to purchase something in your Facebook shop, they are taken to the online store on your website for checkout. Facebook shops do not have a shopping cart, so customers can only buy one product at a time.
Customers automatically receive confirmation emails about their orders from your store.
Processing Orders from Facebook
Orders generated from Facebook are available by selecting My Sales > Orders on the left-hand sidebar in your Shop dashboard, or on the Shop Mobile App along with your regular sales.
When someone places a new order in your Facebook shop, you will get an email or a push notification in your Shop Mobile App.
Disconnect or Hide Facebook Shop
If you want to stop selling on Facebook, you can disconnect your store and remove the Shop tab from your Facebook business page.
To hide the Shop tab on your Facebook business page:
- Select Facebook on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- Click on Manage Connection.
- In the left-hand side of the menu, click Commerce to open your Commerce Manager.
- Select the page with Shop and click Settings on the left-hand side menu.
- Click Business Assets.
- In the Ads and Sales Channels, click Edit near to the Facebook icon.
- Choose Hidden and save your changes.
Your Facebook shop will no longer be available in the page menu, but you will still be able to tag your products on Instagram.
To completely remove Facebook Shop:
On Desktop:
- Select Facebook from the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- Click Disconnect the page.
On the Shop Mobile App:
- Click the Store icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Select Facebook Shop.
- Tap Disconnect the page.
Disconnecting your Facebook account from your Shop will clear your Facebook shop settings and remove your catalog. Any product you create in your Shop dashboard will no longer sync with your Facebook catalog. If you disconnect Facebook from your store, you won't be able to tag products on Instagram. You can always reconnect your store to this sales channel in the future.
Facebook Shop FAQs
Why do I see a lot of duplicate products in my Facebook Shop?
Most likely, your products have variations with unique SKUs that Facebook treats as individual items.
Only store admins can see these duplicated products. If you browse your Facebook Shop in an incognito mode, products will show up in a standard way – with options.
To solve this issue, try re-syncing your store catalog with Facebook.
Why some of my product categories are missing in Facebook Shop?
Enabled products that are assigned to the subcategory of the second level (including its subcategories) will be grouped into a separate collection on Facebook.
For example, you have two subcategories of the second level (Kids T-shirts and Adult T-shirts) that belong to the root category called T-shirts. You will have two collections in your Facebook Shop – T-shirts / Kids T-shirts and T-shirts / Adult T-shirts.
In case the Kids T-shirts subcategory has child subcategories (e.g., different designs or styles), the products from the child subcategories will be grouped under the same collection of T-shirts / Kids T-shirts on Facebook.
Why some of my products in Facebook Shop do not have options?
Product variations (e.g., size and color variants) will be uploaded to the Facebook Shop with corresponding selections. Products that have a variation that reads “any choice” will be uploaded without variations.
You can manage the product variations by selecting Catalog > Products on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard. Open the product in editing mode and switch to the Options tab.
Can shoppers on Facebook checkout with multiple products?
No. Facebook shop does not have a shopping cart to hold multiple products. However, the quantity of a single product can be adjusted.
Do hidden categories/products in hidden categories export/sync?
No. Products that are in hidden categories, and the hidden categories themselves will not export/sync.
Can I tag my Facebook Shop products in my Instagram photos?
Yes. See Sell on Instagram for more information.
How do I move the Shop tab on my Facebook page?
To rearrange the Shop tab in the Facebook menu:
- On your Facebook business page, go to Settings > Edit page located at the top right corner.
- Drag-and-drop the Shop tab where you prefer on the list of other tabs.
How can I display the Shop on the Home tab of my Facebook page?
Displaying the Shop section on the Home tab page is controlled algorithmically by Facebook. Users can not control this. You as an admin may see the Shop section shown on the Home tab, however, your page visitors cannot see it there.
The Shop section may be displayed on the Home tab of the pages that do not have any other activity in terms of media or posts.
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