If you see an error message saying "we're working hard on your list at the moment and can't let you perform this action at this time" while trying to connect a CRM List to an Email Marketing list, chances are likely that there's a pending job stopping the CRM from being able to connect to Email Marketing.
This error happens when there are incomplete tasks that the CRM is trying to accomplish behind-the-scenes.
The solution? Clearing those out to free up the CRM to associate your CRM list.
- Click the three-dot icon to the right of the list title and select View List Log.
- In the modal window that displays, click the Active/Pending Jobs tab.
- Click Cancel All Jobs in the modal window.
- Re-attempt connecting your CRM list to an Email Marketing List.
If you still encounter issues, don't hesitate to submit a support ticket and we'll help investigate and get you back on track!
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