The Period Reports page gives you the ability to compare data from two different periods of time to track growth and help you make more informed decisions about how and where to use your upcoming marketing budget. Gain insight into things like 'What days of the week am I getting the most traffic from my Facebook posts?' or 'How did this Christmas holiday season compare to last year's?'
Comparing Periods
1. Navigate to the Intelligence app from the App Menu near the top left corner of the screen, then click Period Reports from the Intelligence App Menu just below it.
2. Select a period to review in the date selector on the left. You can choose from pre-set periods like 'last week', 'last two weeks', etc or manually select your start / end dates using the calendar.
Once you select a period, a comparison period will populate by default using the same time span.
For example:
If you select 'last week' as your period, the comparison period will be the week prior to that.
If you select a custom range of the last 23 days, your comparison will be the 23 days prior to that.
3. If you'd like to compare your selected period to a custom comparison period instead, click the dropdown arrow to the right of the comparison period. You can select options like 'Same period last month' to review month-by-month growth or 'Same period last year' to do a year-to-year comparison. You can also select a custom date range as shown in the example below.
4. Review your stats! Each table will display 'This period' alongside the 'Previous Period' as well as the net change and percentage change for each individual metric.
Let's See It In Action!
The example above shows a comparison between the last week and the first week in April. This would be a great comparison if you had run an April Fool's Day promo and you wanted to compare stats between a recent week and the week that followed April Fool's. Think outside the box! You can select any date range you'd like to compare.
Understanding Your Stats
Your stats are broken down into the following categories:
This panel displays the overall user stats resulting from all kinds of traffic. Stats here are a compilation of the stats broken down in the rest of the panels.
Organic & Content Marketing
This panel displays user stats resulting from organic SEO traffic. Stats here all come from users that found you from online searches for keywords included on your site.
This panel displays user stats resulting form paid ads. Stats here all come from users that found you by clicking a paid ad in their search results.
This panel displays user stats resulting from social media traffic and links. Stats here all come from users that found you by way of your social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook
Direct / Other:
This panel displays user stats resulting from direct or referral traffic. Stats here all come from users that either came straight to your website or by a referral like a business card, billboard, or good old fashioned word-of-mouth.
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