Custom store labels are a great way to further customize your store. With the Store Label Editor, you can change text in your store on the fly to make it fit your business.
Change a default label
- Select Settings > Edit Store Labels on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- Click Add + Custom Label.
- Use the search bar to find the label you'd like to change.
- Enter your custom label in the corresponding field. No need to save, your changes are saved automatically!
For example, you want to change the default "Featured Products" headline to read "Featured Menu Items" instead. Type "Featured Products" into the search field, find the label and type "Featured Menu Items" in the text field to the right. The changes are saved automatically. Refresh your browser to view the changes. The headline now reads "Featured Menu Items" in your store.
Hide a default label
- Select Settings > Edit Store Labels on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- Find the label you want to hide.
- Delete the label value. (Remember, changes are saved automatically.)
- The text label will be invisible in your shop!
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