Any product can be prominently featured on your website's homepage or anywhere else with the "Buy Now" feature. Customers can select options and checkout right from the page!
You can find the HTML code for Buy Now widgets in your Shop App dashboard. Once you select what options you'd like to display in the widget, copy & paste the widget code into your website. An animated walk-through and detailed instructions are listed below!
- Select Sales Channels on the left-hand sidebar of your Shop dashboard.
- On the Sales Channels page, scroll down until you reach the section labeled Sell on your website. Look for the Buy buttons option and click Get Started.
- Click the Pick Product button, then select the product from the dropdown menu that appears in its place.
- Select the layout and appearance options. You can see the changes in preview as you go.
- When you're happy with the widget, click the Generate Code button.
- Click the Copy Code button to copy it to your clipboard.
- Next, head back to your Websites 360® dashboard. Create a new HTML Block, then paste the code in the HTML Block and click Save.
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