The SMS Messages page displays a single feed of all SMS communication between you and your SMS contacts. Use the three tabs to view different types of messages sent via Marketing 360® Nurture.
Creating New SMS Messages
You can create a number of different types of messages from your SMS Messages page.
Need to send a one-time update? Send a single SMS to an individual contact or a Contact List.
Do you want to send periodic reminders about an upcoming event or promotion? Easy! You can also send recurring SMS messages to individuals or Contact Lists.
Sending a One-time SMS Message to a Contact
1. Click the Send New Message button to start the process.
2. In the drop down menu, select Send to Contact to send one message to one of your contacts.
3. In the modal that displays, enter your message details:
Field | Value |
Send to this Contact | Select a recipient for the message from your SMS Contacts drop down list. |
Title | Enter a title for the message. This will only be displayed on your SMS Messages Overview. It will not be displayed to the recipient. |
Message | Enter the contents of the message that will be sent. |
Send Date | Select what date the message will be sent on. |
Send Time | Select what time the message will be sent on. |
4. Click Send Message
Sending a One-time SMS Message to a Contact List
1. Click the Send New Message button to start the process.
2. In the drop down menu, select Send to a List to send messages to all recipients in a Contact List
3. In the modal that displays, enter your message details:
Field | Value |
Send to this List | Select a Contact list form the drop down menu to receive the message. |
Title | Enter a title for the message. This will only be displayed on your SMS Messages Overview. It will not be displayed to the recipient. |
Message | Enter the contents of the message that will be sent. |
Send Date | Select what date the message will be sent on. |
Send Time | Select what time the message will be sent on. |
4. Click Send Message.
Sending Recurring SMS Messages
Follow the process for Sending a One-time SMS Message to a Contact List above. After selecting a Send Time, enter a Recurrence Rate. This will determine how often that same message is sent to the Contact List. This is a great option if you need to send consistent reminders for things like monthly billing, etc.
Viewing SMS Messages
View incoming messages by clicking the Inbox tab. Each entry in the Inbox displays the sender's name, their message, and the date it was sent.
View all sent messages by clicking the Sent tab. Each entry in the Sent tab displays the message title, message content, and the date it was sent.
View all recurring SMS communication on the Recurring tab. Each entry on the Recurring tab displays the name of the recurring message, the message content, and details about how often the recurring message is sent to the list.
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