When you set up your CRM, you should receive email notifications. To ensure that these email notifications do not end up in your spam folder, you can add the notification email address to your email account's "allow list" ensure that it always arrives in your inbox.
Most email providers have a "Filter" setting, where you can specify rules for specific email addresses.
Add an Email Filter in Gmail
1. Sign in to your Gmail account and click on the "gear" icon at the top-right corner of your inbox. This will open a dropdown menu, where you will select Settings.
2. Once in your Settings panel, select Filters and Blocked Addresses at the top of the screen.
3. Click Create a new filter.
4. In the text box next to From: copy and paste the following email address:
noreply@notifi cations.my marketing3 60.com
5. Click Create filter
5. On the next screen, check the box labeled Never send it to Spam and click Create filter to save.
Add Filters in Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, and AOL
You can add email addresses to your "allow list" in other email platforms by creating filters and managing spam settings.
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