The History page automatically tracks many of the actions completed within the CRM, all in one convenient feed. Need to quickly find out when a task was created or when a contact was deleted? Search your history!
By default, CRM History will track any updates made to your contacts, deals, projects, tasks, or lists.
Additionally, you can customize the different activities you want to track using custom types like Call, Email, Meeting, and more.
Filtering and Searching History
You can filter the events by history type, contact type, contact status, or the user that logged the history item using the Filters drop-down menu.
You can also filter by date using the date picker. Search by a specific term by using the search bar.
Add New History Item
- Select the + Add History button on the top-left corner of the page.
- Start typing the name of the contact that you would like to add a history item to and select their name from the drop-down.
- Enter the details. Describe the action in detail so teammates know what was accomplished.
- Select a History Type. This list is populated by the History Types that were configured during the initial setup and can be added to or edited by accessing the CRM settings.
Editing History Types
The CRM History automatically logs updates to contacts, deals, projects, and tasks. However, you can also use History to track additional events that are specific to your business or organization. For these cases, you can create your own history types.
- Select Settings on the page navigation menu at the top of the page.
- Select History Types in the left-hand sidebar.
- Click the blue Add History Type button in the top-left corner of the page.
- Enter the new history type.
- Click Submit.
Important Note: Because these history types are fully custom, they will not automatically be tracked in your history logs. You'll need to use the + Add History tool on the Deals, Projects, Tasks, or History page.
Sync Your Emails With the CRM
Email plays an important role in communicating with customers. The Marketing 360® CRM can automatically track emails in the History to help you keep track! To automatically copy your emails into the CRM History:
- Click the ⋮ icon at the top-right corner of the page, then select Sync Emails from the dropdown menu.
- Copy the supplied BCC email address. Whenever you email a customer from your CRM, include this new contact as a BCC recipient.
- Voila! Your email will now be tracked in the Marketing 360® CRM History! Should you ever forget to include this BCC recipient on an important email, just manually add a new history item.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind When Syncing Email to Marketing 360® History:
- The BCC address must be used as a BCC recipient.
- The email recipient must be an existing contact with matching email in CRM.
- The email must be sent from the same email address you use to login to Marketing 360®.
Exporting History
To export your history, click the the ⋮ icon in the top-right corner of the page, then select Export History.
This will give you the option to export all history logs or just the history logs from a current search. Just select what you'd like to export and click Submit. This tool will generate a CSV file.
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