Filtering your contacts in the CRM plays a key role in your options to target specific groups, create targeted email campaigns, and more. Create a custom filter that includes only the contacts you want, then save it as a custom filter so you can easily revisit it at any time!
How to Create a Custom Filter
- Click Filters at the top of the page, then select Custom Filters from the dropdown menu.
- Select Create Filter in the dropdown menu.
- In the Create Custom Filter modal, select a method to use as a filter, the options consist of all the active fields that were configured during the initial setup.
- Once you've selected a method to sort, select the modifier. The options are:
Modifier Definition Is The contact field is identical to the selected value Is not The contact field is not identical to the selected value. Contains The contact field contains the selected value somewhere within it's contents. Does not contain The contact field does not contain the selected value anywhere within it's contents. Greater than The contact field is greater than the selected value Less than The contact field is less than the selected value Greater than or equal to The contact field is greater than or equal to the selected value Less than or equal to The contact field is less than or equal to the selected value - Next, select a value from your existing contact fields.
- If you're filtering with a field that uses pre-selected values, start typing them to display the dropdown of available values. Click Select All to select them all at once.
- Depending on the type of field you're using to filter, you may have the option to select multiple values.
- If needed, Make the new custom filter available to all users. Selecting this option will allow everyone else in your CRM to see and use this filter. Users with the 'owner' role will also be able to edit this filter.
- Lastly, name your filter. This is what will display in the Custom Filters drop down menu in the action bar.
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