You can tag pages on other social platforms while drafting captions on your social posts. Note: All platforms (except for X/Twitter) can only generate tags for business accounts/pages, not personal accounts.
When adding a caption to a social post:
- Turn on the Platform specific captions setting.
- Type the @ symbol followed by the handle or username for the page (i.e. @marketing360).
For most social platforms, a menu will appear, where you can select the account from the list to complete the tag. The menu will not appear for accounts on Instagram or X/Twitter; simply type the @ symbol followed by the handle or username.
Platform-specific limitations
You can also tag locations on Instagram. For a location tag to work, there must be a specific Instagram account associated with that location. If you're unable to tag a location, it's most likely because there's no account associated with that location.
LinkedIn does not allow tagging of accounts with special characters. The list of characters not allowed are as follows: |,{,}, @ (outside of the initial @), [,],(,),<,>,#,/,*,_,~, &
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