You can set up your taxes, cash drawer names, credit card integrations in the POS and POS Devices tabs in the Setup dashboard of your Point of Sale app. To get started, navigate to Setup > Setup Ticket Preferences on the left-hand sidebar.
Sales Tax
- Service Tax % - Enter the tax percent associated with any services noted as taxable.
- Retail Tax % - Enter the tax percent associated with any products noted as taxable.
Merchant Account
This is where you can set up your credit card integrations.
Ticket Preferences
Assign Service Pricing - There are two options, at time of booking or upon client check in. Example: September 15 a Haircut is $40 and on October 1 the Haircut price is updated to be $45. If the appointment was booked on September 16 for October 2nd the following would be true:
- If Time of Booking is selected, the price at check out would be $40.
- If Upon Client Check In is selected, the price at checkout would be $45.
- Default Tip Setting - The tips will default to Tip Left in Drawer, or you can update it to default it to Tips Paid Out.
POS Devices Tab
Cash Drawers - Enter the description of the Cash Drawer which is traditionally the location.
Receipt Memo
- Receipt Memo Field - The receipt memo field is where you enter the text to appear at the bottom of the receipt.
Device Configuration
- Credit Card Device - This notes the current device associated with this device.
- Cash Drawer - This is the current cash drawer assigned with this device.
- Batch Time - This is the current batch time associated with the Credit Card Batch Report.
- Shift - This is the current shift associated with the cash drawer.
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