Your business can set specific "goals" for the company or worker in the Point of Sale app. Examples of goals include Service Sales, Rebook %, Average Ticket, Retail to Service %, Product Sales, Retail $ Per Ticket, # of Retail per Guest.
Set up Goals
Click the Menu Icon (≡) and then click Setup > Setup Goals & Dashboard > Setup Goals.
Select the Month & Year from the drop down.
- Select a Month & Year from the past to view previous goals or select a Month & Year in the future to set future goals.
To apply the same to all workers, enter the value or amount in the field at the top and click Apply to All
Goal descriptions
- Service Sales - Service Sales credited to the Worker.
- Rebook % - percent of completed appointments that were considered rebooked.
- Average Ticket - The total ticket amounts divided by the # of tickets when the worker received credit for a service or product on those tickets.
- Retail to Service % - Product Sales divided by the Service Sales.
- Product Sales - Product Sales credited to the Worker.
- Retail $ per Ticket - Product Sales divided by the total number of tickets when the worker received credit for a service or product on those tickets.
- Retail per Guest - Total Number of Products divided by the total number of tickets when the worker received credit for a service or product on those tickets.
Virtual Coach
The Virtual Coach is a message that will display based on the result of the goal on the day generated. The message will display on the Browser or the Worker App Goals. By default, there are Virtual Coaching messages built into the software. To customize the Virtual Coaching message, go to:
- Setup > Setup Goals & Dashboard > Setup Virtual Coach.
- Enter the custom message into the correlating goal reached percent.
- Click Save.
To reset the goals to the standard Virtual Coaching message, click Reset and then click Save.
Goal permissions
To enable permission to view goals, go to:
- Setup > Setup Workers > Setup Permissions.
- Select the Home Page Category.
- Enable the Checkbox for Goals.
If the worker should only be able to view their own goals, go to Setup > Setup Workers > Worker Details > Other tab and enable the checkbox for View Only my Goals.
Understanding goal metrics
Service Sales
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
Increase Sales by - The difference between the Current Average per Day and the New Daily Total
- Current Average per Day - Service Sales divided by # of Days past (including today)
- Target Average Goal per Day - Service Sale Goal Divided by the # of Days Working that Month
# of Days Left in the Month - The number of days the worker is scheduled that month
- New Daily Goal - The Service Sale Goal minus the current Service Sales divided by the # of Days Left in the Month
Rebooking %
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
- Current Average per Day - # of Appointments Completed with a future appointment booked within 1 day divided by the # of Appointments Completed
- Target Average Goal per Day - The Rebooking % Goal
Average Ticket
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
- Current Average per Day - Ticket Total divided by the # of Tickets
- Target Average Goal per Day - The Average Ticket Goal
Retail to Service %
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
- Current Average per Day - Worker Retail Total divided by the Worker Sales Total
- Target Average Goal per Day - The Retail to Service % Goal
Product Sales
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
Increase Sales by - The difference between the Current Average per Day and the New Daily Total
- Current Average per Day - Product Sales divided by # of Days past (including today)
- Target Average Goal per Day - Product Sale Goal Divided by the # of Days Working that Month
# of Days Left in the Month - The number of days the worker is scheduled that month.
- New Daily Goal - The Product Sale Goal minus the current Product Sales divided by the # of Days Left in the Month
Retail $ per Ticket
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
- Current Average per Day - Product Sales divided by the # of Tickets
- Target Average Goal per Day - The Retail $ per Ticket Goal
# of Retail per Guest
- Large Goal Percent - Current Average per Day divided by the Target Average Goal per Day
- Current Average per Day - # of Retail Items divided by the # of Tickets
- Target Average Goal per Day - The # of Retail per Guest Goal
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