There is no attachment feature in the Email app. Since we are unable to attach a PDF to an email sent from the platform, we'll need to get a little creative! Instead, we'll send your email recipients to a page or hosted file on your site containing the PDF.
Host the PDF file on your site
On Websites 360
- Create a page where people can download your PDF
Add, Delete, Move, Duplicate or Change Visibility of a Page - Add the PDF to the page:
PDF Option 1: Button (see steps below) or PDF Option 2: Add a PDF to Your Page
1) Add the PDF to Your Resource Collection
2.) Copy the PDF link
3.) Add a Button on Your Website - Copy the page URL, you'll need this later
On other site builders, including Woo360
- Upload the PDF to your media library
- Copy the file URL, you'll need this later
You could also build a new page to download the file if you'd prefer and copy the page URL.
Build an email template
This article will guide you through all your building needs: Email Templates - Have fun with it!
For your starting point, we recommend duplicating an existing template since those will have your business's branding and information.
Be sure to include a button and/or linked text that goes to the URL copied from the Host the PDF file on your site step above.
Your email is now loaded with a way to share a PDF with your recipients! You can use this template in a campaign or automated email journey to start sending it. If you would like to know more about campaigns and journeys, check out the articles below:
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