When you view your Email List engagement metrics, you may notice some subscribers listed as "Deleted". These subscribers can be found by selecting the Deleted tab when viewing an Email List.
Typically, contacts in the Deleted tab have been manually removed from the list on the email side of things. Some actions taken in the CRM can result in deleting email subscribers:
- A contact is removed from a CRM list. This can happen when the contact no longer meets the CRM list filters.
- Deleting a contact in the CRM will also delete their subscriber from any email list they were on.
- Merging contacts in the CRM will delete the subscriber that was tied to the "from" CRM contact.
- Un-assigning an email list from a CRM list will move all email subscribers on that CRM list to deleted in the email list.
Reactivating deleted subscribers
In most cases, once a contact has been deleted from the list, they will need to be manually added back to the active subscribers. You can manage your deleted subscribers by opening the email list and clicking on the deleted category. From there, select the checkbox next to the contacts you'd like to manage. you'll see an option to move them to active.
Un-assign and re-assign email lists to CRM lists
The platform deletes all subscribers from the previously attached CRM list because the email platform assumes you are removing the connection because you no longer want those CRM contacts to be subscribed to the once attached email list. Assigning the email list to another CRM list will move any deleted contacts that are on the newly assigned CRM list back to active.
To learn more about CRM and email list connections, check out Connecting A CRM List to an Email List.
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